The Courtesan and the Samurai – launch and tour dates

The window display at Daunts

Launched The Courtesan and the Samurai on March 25th and now hoping for a keen wind to fill her sails! The launch took place at Daunts bookshop on Marylebone High Street, in London, and there was a good-sized gathering of friends, colleagues, my publisher and my agent, as well as Colin the master swordsman, who came down from Durham. I made a speech, Colin gave a demonstration, and we all retired to an Italian restaurant for dinner.

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The Courtesan and the Samurai – Tour dates 2010

Wednesday April 21st
6.30 pm

Japan Society
Crane and Tortoise (room to rear of main bar), 39 Gray’s Inn Road, London WC1X 8PR
tel 0207 828 6330

Illustrated talk: Fighting for the shogun: the story of a ship, some samurai, nine French officers and the battle for Hokkaido.

£7.50 including a light Japanese buffet following the lecture

see: The Japan Society website


Wednesday May 18th

Royal Overseas League, Over-Seas House, Park Place, St James’s Street, London SW1A 1LR
tel 0207 408 0214

Illustrated talk: The Yoshiwara and the world of Japanese courtesans

Details to follow